Newcastle Leathermen was set up to promote, encourage and support the visibility of the Leather community in Newcastle and the wider North East.
Newcastle Leathermen is a Leather social group.
We hold a leather social at The Eagle in Newcastle, on the third Friday of the month.
Leather is not essential but encouraged. No gear, some gear or full gear, everyone is welcome. We strive to be inclusive & diverse, the common thread being the joy of leather & all that it offers.
Don't worry if you have not got loads of gear, just come as you are.
If attending a social for the first time and/or you have any queries, you can email us & one of our team will make contact.
Please be aware wearing Leather does not give implied or explicit consent, be respectful, communicate & most of all have fun!
Please check back here or on our Facebook page for any updates.​​​​​