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NLM Membership

Becoming a member of Newcastle Leathermen is easy. Simply click 'Join Now' below, you will taken to our online store to purchase a NLM Membership. Its safe, secure, easy & fast. Just fill in your details and we'll do the rest for you to start enjoying the benefits of membership.


The funds generated from membership will contribute towards the general running of the group & its continued development for the future.

Membership Benefits


The membership is only £11.00 per year and will include:​


** An exclusive membership pin badge **

** Physical numbered membership card **

** Digital membership card **

** NLM Patch **

** 10% discount at Fetish Freak on production of a valid membership card **

** Access to priority Whatsapp Group / email for early access to event info, event bookings & other group updates before they are released to our other platforms **


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